EIMA x Studapart

Partners for housing!

student housing near Eima

Finding accommodation close to EIMA with Studapart’s partners


Are you looking for accommodation for your return to EIMA? Studapart and its partners offer you exclusive offers in Toulouse as well as its surroundings. From studios to shared flats, including student residences, access hundreds of verified listings. Furnished student accommodation and any budget, the choice is yours!

Advantages of using the platform
EIMA x Studapart

Exclusivity on the platform

The platform is entirely private and exclusive to students of EIMA.

The Studapart Guarantee

Parce qu’il est difficile de louer sans garant en France, Studapart peut se porter garant pour vous sur toute la durée de location. Grâce à un partenariat avec Allianz / Mila votre dossier sera renforcé auprès de tous les loueurs, sur Studapart ou ailleurs !

Exclusive ads

The platform gives you access to a range of dwellings addressed specifically to the community of EIMA (studios, rooms in shared apartments, student residences…).

EIMA : The School to become a Mangaka


The International School of Manga and Animation is located in the heart of the city of Toulouse. It offers a unique in its kind training course to become a manga artist, illustrator or 2D/3D animator. Students have the chance to meet publishers in the field and attend masterclasses held by well-known illustrators and mangaka. Class sizes are intentionally limited to allow each student to get the most out of their education.