Pigier Troyes x Studapart

Partners for housing!

Student accommodation near Pigier Troyes

Why use Studapart ? 

Pigier Troyes assists you in your search for accommodation in Troyes!  To make your integration in our school as easy as possible, we are doing everything we can to help you find quality accommodation near the campus. 

 Thanks to our partner STUDAPART, we are offering you an online, fast search and booking process. Plus, having no guarantors is no longer a problem thanks to the STUDAPART guarantee. 

Book your place quick! We're looking forward to seing you at Pigier Troyes! 

Advantages of using the platform
Pigier Troyes x Studapart

Exclusivity on the platform

The platform is entirely private and exclusive to students of Pigier Troyes.

The Studapart Guarantee

Renting in France without a french guarantor can be a hassle. Studapart has partnered with Allianz and can become your guarantor during the whole duration of your rent.

Exclusive ads

The platform gives you access to a range of dwellings addressed specifically to the community of Pigier Troyes (studios, rooms in shared apartments, student residences…).