Finding accommodation around Université d'Angers with Studapart's partners
The partnership between Studapart and the University of Angers allows AU students to access accommodation of all kinds. They often go for student residences. This is why Studapart is a partner with the Cap'Etudes residence on the Belle-Beille campus, Studea on the Saint-Serge campus, etc. AU students therefore have easier access to accommodation in these partner residences.
However, they sometimes prefer to rent accommodation from a private landlord: with Studapart, this is also possible. We have nearly 1,200 advertisements placed by landlords in Angers and its suburbs. They trust our platform and our users, and will be happy to help you!
Advantages of using the platform
Université d'Angers x Studapart
Exclusivity on the platform
The platform is entirely private and exclusive to students of Université d'Angers.The Studapart Guarantee
Parce qu’il est difficile de louer sans garant en France, Studapart peut se porter garant pour vous sur toute la durée de location. Grâce à un partenariat avec Allianz / Mila votre dossier sera renforcé auprès de tous les loueurs, sur Studapart ou ailleurs !Exclusive ads
The platform gives you access to a range of dwellings addressed specifically to the community of Université d'Angers (studios, rooms in shared apartments, student residences…).The University of Angers: 1st in France for its success rate in the Bachelor's degree program over 3 years
The University of Angers is a French university founded in 1971. It has 3 campuses in Angers (Saint-Serge, Belle-Beille and Santé) and 2 relocated campuses (Cholet and Saumur). It welcomes 25,000 students, with 126 different nationalities.