EURECOM x Studapart

Partners for housing!

Student accommodation at EURECOM

Find accommodation close to EURECOM with Studapart's partners 


To allow its student to easily find accommodation near EURECOM, the institution partnered with Studapart. Their students have reserved access to accommodation in our partner residences: City Résidences, Neoresid and Zenitudes among others. But some prefer to rent an individual apartment close to EURECOM. With Studapart, this is also possible! Our community of 2,500 individual renters around Sophia trust us and are ready to welcome you! 

Advantages of using the platform
EURECOM x Studapart

Exclusivity on the platform

The platform is entirely private and exclusive to students of EURECOM.

The Studapart Guarantee

Parce qu’il est difficile de louer sans garant en France, Studapart peut se porter garant pour vous sur toute la durée de location. Grâce à un partenariat avec Allianz / Mila votre dossier sera renforcé auprès de tous les loueurs, sur Studapart ou ailleurs !

Exclusive ads

The platform gives you access to a range of dwellings addressed specifically to the community of EURECOM (studios, rooms in shared apartments, student residences…).

EURECOM, international openness at the hear of the cursus


Created in 1991, EURECOM is a French engineering school specialized in the field of communications. Known in particular for its training in cybersecurity and transport AI, it is a member of the Institut Mines-Télécom in the same capacity as Télécom ParisTech. Its campus is located within the Sophia-Antipolis cluster, one of the main players in the academic world in France. EURECOM attracts around 5,000 students every year by offering state-of-the-art courses. Among them, 70% are international!