Covid 19: what aid is available for students and young graduates?
*Non-exhaustive list, do not hesitate to consult the site of your establishment, that of your region or your city.
Financial aid ?
Exceptional solidarity aid (student or not)
If you are a grant holder, this aid of 150 € is paid without you having to do anything. For non-scholarship recipients, some young people under 25 who are beneficiaries of the APL will be able to benefit from it. Learn more
Help with finding a job (non-student)
This aid is intended for young graduates who were former scholarship holders. It will come into action January 18, 2021 and will be allocated on an exceptional basis to those who encounter difficulties related to the current health situation. Learn more
One-off assistance from Crous (scholarship and non-scholarship students)
If you are in financial difficulty, you can contact the social service of your Crous to have a social survey carried out. One-off assistance from the CROUS can be requested by scholarship holders as well as non-scholarship holders.
Revision of scholarship law (non-scholarship students)
You have the possibility to reapply for a grant if your family income has fallen. To do this, go to messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr and click on the “Student social file monitoring (DSE)” icon.
Food aid ?
Meals at 1€
Scholarship and non-scholarship students can benefit from the €1 meal in the Crous restaurants and cafeterias. To find the closest university restaurant to you, it's on this map!
Anti-waste apps
Too Good to Go
An app to save unsold items at low prices: https://toogoodtogo.fr/fr
Frigo Magic
UAn app to learn how to cook with what's left in the fridge: https://www.frigomagic.com/fr/
Save Eat
An app to discover anti-waste recipes: https://www.saveeat.co
An app for food exchanges between individuals: http://www.hophopfood.org
Housing assistance ?
To help you pay your rent and your service fees, the Family Allowance Fund (Caf) can pay you housing assistance (APL, ALS, ALF). Learn more
To simulate your rights, it's over here!
Local aid
Regions and municipalities can offer aid. The city of Paris, for example, offers AILE, installation assistance between €500 to €1,000. Consult the devices offered by your region and city: HERE
Specific aid for work-study students
Are you in a work-study contract (apprenticeship or professionalization contract) within a private company? Are you under 30 ? Action Logement can cover part of your rent for one year. Learn more
Psychological aids ?
Free psychological support, everywhere in France
Between national helplines and specific support for health students, discover the free systems in place throughout France (the 30 academies are represented there): HERE
Tips and support networks to change your mind
In addition, here are some tips and tricks to take care of yourself: sleep, sport, diet, social ties… We discuss everything HERE
Creation of a "psy check" from February 1st
Emmanuel Macron just announced (January 21, 2020) the creation of a "psy check" which will allow students to be able to consult a psychologist if they want to. To all students from February 1, 2020.