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How to find a flatshare in Toulouse?

How to find a flatshare in Toulouse where 25% of the accommodations are flatshares? Studapart helps you find your future roommate in just a few clicks! Read more

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Flatshare is a type of collective housing, often adopted by students. However, there are more and more shared flats with families, elderly people or even working people.


The principle of flatshare is to share your accommodation with other people, to divide the costs and responsibilities. Collocations are often organized on the basis of common interests or other specific criteria (field of study, female/male, age, passion, etc.). It is a good option for someone who is looking to limit their budget without limiting their comfort, and who likes to live in a community.

In Toulouse, flatshare is a democratized way of life. 


The flatshare market in Toulouse



Shared accommodation is a democratized type of housing in France, even if it is more easily found in student cities. If other types of shared accommodation are beginning to arise (seniors, families, etc.), in the majority of cases, this is a form of accommodation popular with students. It is hard to find shared housing offers in Toulouse. 



Toulouse, the city in pink!


Toulouse has nearly 490,000 inhabitants. Capital of Occitania, it has a rich heritage dating back to Roman times. It is also anchored in modernity with its title of first European aeronautical center. Aeronautics but also aerospace are areas of Toulouse. Thanks to Concorde but also to the establishment of Airbus, the European consortium whose head office is located in the pink city. Aeroscopia, the aeronautics museum brings a cultural side to the Toulouse aeronautical field. The Cité de l'Espace theme park is unique in Europe, a symbol of the place of the city in the field of space. It is renowned for its local products such as foie gras, duck breast, the famous cassoulet, Toulouse sausage and other delicacies to discover... Place du Capitole, the Saint-Sernin basilica, the Couvent des Jacobins, the Canal du Midi, are must-sees in the city of Toulouse. Museums such as the Natural History Museum, the Augustins, Saint-Raymond, the Abattoirs, Georges Labit and Paul Dupuy demonstrate the cultural richness of the city. Real estate prices are still three times lower than the Parisian market, which makes it even more attractive for investors. The city of Toulouse is largely inhabited by a rather young population.



We find a lot of flatshare ads in Toulouse, it is a democratized form of accommodation 



You will hardly find a room in a shared apartment Toulouse. In fact, there we find a lot of} ads of this type. People sharing accommodation in Toulouse put about more or less 40 days for housing. 


On Studapart, you will find more than 1 500 offers of shared accommodation.


Looking for a flatshare in Toulouse? Studapart helps you find your ideal accommodation!



Choosing to share a flat is a good idea for a student or a young worker who wants to control his budget. It is also a good option for an elderly person who does not wish to live alone or families who prefer to share their expenses.


In Toulouse, the percentage of accommodation where it is possible to make a roommate amounts to 25%.


What is the average surface area for a roommate in Toulouse ? 



In Toulouse, most shared accommodations are T3. A T3 apartment is a dwelling that contains three rooms, generally a living room and two bedrooms. This is the ideal type of accommodation for students considering shared accommodation. On average, it takes an area of ​​about 65sq.m. 


In shared accommodation, you can also opt for a T4 apartment. A T4 apartment, that is to say with a main room and three bedrooms, is ideal for several people to settle in and thus reduce the costs of shared accommodation (rent, charges, appendices...). In this case, it will therefore be necessary to count an average surface of more than 70q.m


What budget for the rent of a room in a shared apartment in Toulouse ? 



To rent a room in a shared flat in Toulouse, it amounts roughly to 400€/month per person, or 12€/sq.m per m². 


The amount of rent in a roommate also depends on the house in general, its equipment, its location, the furniture, the associated amenities, or quite simply the number of roommates.

  • The T3 apartments represent 25% of accommodation available in  Toulouse

  • 18% of from Toulouse flatshares are T4 apartments


Some tips for an efficient search for flatshares in Toulouse



Flatshare is a democratized type of housing in France and widely used abroad. This is often an option that attracts students and it is quite easy to find roommate offers, especially in so-called student cities. It is the ideal choice to control your budget, since it is generally the cheapest solution on the market. Your next roommates may already be waiting for you at Toulouse!



The Saint-Etienne district, the former district of the bourgeoisie


The Saint-Etienne district is organized around the square of the Saint-Etienne cathedral. The history of this district is linked to that of the Toulouse aristocracy. It is located on the right bank of the Garonne, it is in the heart of the historic center. It concentrates many historically rich monuments such as the Saint-Anne chapel, the Notre-Dame de Nazareth chapel and the Saint-Etienne cathedral of course. It houses the oldest fountain in the city but also historic properties such as the Ulmo mansion. There is also the Royal Garden, the Grand Rond, but also the Arc de Triomphe. La Halle aux Grains, home to the Orchester National du Capitole, has been Toulouse's concert hall since 1930. Known for the success of Michel Plasson, who played the complete symphonies and concertos of Beethoven. It has beautiful residences dating from the bourgeoisie of the time. This district is appreciated because it is very pleasant to live in. It is very famous for its luxury brands, restaurants and antique shops and is very well served by public transport. It is very popular, and is largely made up of apartments. The Saint-Etienne district is one of the most popular districts of Toulouse.




The Carmes district, a lively and well-preserved district


Located in the historic center, on the right bank of the Garonne, the Carmes district was born on the route of the cardo, the Roman road which crossed the city from north to south. The former site of the convent is home to the famous Carmes covered market, a must-see in Toulouse. The district revolves around its hall dating from 1890. Located between the Place du Salin and Esquirol, it is one of the liveliest and most popular districts of Toulouse. This district is also a charming place, whose streets have retained their medieval architecture. The Notre Dame de Dalbade church, an example of the city's Gothic architecture. Many mansions such as the Besson hotel, home to the Paul Dupuy museum. The district is also home to the Jardin des Plantes, the Natural History Museum and the Quai des Savoirs cultural centre. It is a neighborhood with many schools, the Calandreta Franco-Occitan school, the Fabre public elementary school and the Catholic university, perfect for families but also students. The district is a place of celebrations thanks to these many tapas bars and restaurants. Night or day, this district will entertain you. The area is well served by the metro line but also by the various buses. Very popular district, this is reflected in the prices which are among the highest in the city.



The shared tenancy contract, how does it work?



Flatshare is governed by specific rules. Within the framework of the lease contract, there are two possibilities: a single rental lease or a lease per co-tenant. Depending on the type of contract, certain rules differ:



The single lease


It is a classic rental lease whose rules differ according to the category of accommodation: furnished or not. Similarly, the accommodation must respect a minimum surface area (9m² or 20m3 minimum).

  • All roommates must sign the lease in order to have rights to the accommodation.

  • The inventory must be made and signed in the presence of all the roommates.

  • The rent is paid in one go and shared amicably by the roommates.

  • A solidarity clause can be integrated into the lease and implies obligations towards the others in the event of the departure of one of the roommates.


The lease per roommate


It respects the same basic rules as a classic lease, furnished or not.

  • Each roommate signs a lease contract with the landlord.

  • Each roommate pays their rent independently to the landlord.

  • A deposit may be requested from each roommate.

  • The departure of one of the roommates is simplified and does not commit him to the others.


Your future roommate in Toulouse in a few clicks on Studapart!



1 500 flatshare offers in Toulouse are waiting for you on Studapart! 



Your future flatshare in Toulouse in a few clicks with Studapart! Studapart supports you in your search for a roommate in Toulouse, thanks to thousands of offers already available on the platform. Book with confidence and without the need to visit thanks to our verified ads. No need to do a market study for your home insurance, Studapart offers you one as soon as you book. Our teams are at your disposal from Monday to Saturday in French, English, Spanish, Italian and Mandarin and assist you in all your discussions with the owner.Your new life awaits you, Studapart takes care of the accommodation! At Studapart, we are convinced that housing can be simple and secure. Every day, we bet to prove it.